Fish Report for 6-10-2024
More recreational shrimp fishing opportunities open in four Puget Sound marine areas this month

by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
CORRECTION: The opening date for Marine Area 7 South for harvest of all shrimp species is June 13-15 only.
OLYMPIA – More recreational shrimp fishing opportunities will occur in four Puget Sound marine areas, in addition to other scheduled openers, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) announced today.
“Poor weather in May reduced participation during the first few fishery openings,” said Aaron Dufault, WDFW Puget Sound shellfish manager. “We know people were holding out for the later dates to enjoy more favorable weather, and we are pleased to be able to offer some additional harvest opportunity.”
Following review of the recreational shrimping catch and effort data in Puget Sound to date, WDFW shellfish managers determined that enough of the quota remains in four marine areas to offer additional harvest opportunities:
- Marine Area 8-1 (Saratoga Passage, Deception Pass) and Marine Area 8-2 (Port Susan, Port Gardner, Everett) are open for spot shrimp harvest on June 13 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. only.
- Marine Area 7 South (only that portion of Marine Area 7 South that is west of a line projected due south from Point Colville on Lopez Island and east of a line projected due south from Cattle Point on San Juan Island) is open for spot shrimp harvest on June 13-15 only (see map for details on section that is open).
- Marine Area 7 East (northern Rosario Strait, Bellingham Bay, Sucia and Matia Islands and Strait of Georgia) is open for non-spot shrimp only from June 7 through Oct. 15 with a maximum depth restriction of 200 feet.
Other areas open for recreational shrimping include:
- Marine Area 4 (east of the Bonilla-Tatoosh line) is open for all shrimp species daily from one hour before official sunrise to one hour after official sunset, until further notice.
- Marine Area 5 (western Strait of Juan de Fuca) is open for all shrimp species daily from one hour before official sunrise to one hour after official sunset, until further notice.
- Marine Area 6 (excluding the Discovery Bay Shrimp District) is open for all shrimp species from one hour before official sunrise to one hour after official sunset, on June 13 through 16, June 28-30, and July 12-15 only.
- Marine Area 7 East (northern Rosario Strait, Bellingham Bay, Sucia and Matia Islands, and Strait of Georgia) is open for non-spot shrimp from June 7 through Oct. 15, with a maximum depth restriction of 200 feet.
- Marine Area 7 South (only that portion of Marine Area 7 South that is west of a line projected due south from Point Colville on Lopez Island and east of a line projected due south from Cattle Point on San Juan Island) is open for all shrimp species from one hour before official sunrise to one hour after official sunset, on June 13-15 only (see map for details on section that is open).
- Marine Area 7 West (San Juan Channel, Spieden Channel, and Stuart and Waldron Islands) is open for all shrimp species from one hour before official sunrise to one hour after official sunset, on June 13-15, June 28-30, and July 12-14 only.
- Marine Area 8-1 (Saratoga Pass, Deception Pass) and Marine Area 8-2 (Port Susan, Port Gardner, Everett) are open for all shrimp species on June 13 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. only.
- Marine Area 8-2 (Port Susan, Port Gardner, Everett) is open for divers who may take shrimp by hand or hand-held device on June 13 from 7 p.m. until midnight only.
- Marine Area 9 (Edmonds, Port Townsend Bay, Admiralty Inet) is open for all shrimp species on June 13 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. only.
- Marine Area 10 (waters of Elliott Bay east of a line drawn from West Point to Alki Point only) is open for all shrimp species on June 13 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. only.
- Marine Area 10 (waters outside of Elliott Bay) is open for all shrimp species on June 13 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. only.
- Marine Area 11 (Tacoma-Vashon Island)is open for non-spot shrimp (dock, coonstripe, sidestripe and pink shrimp only) through Oct. 15 with a maximum depth restriction of 150 feet. During the non-spot season 1/2-inch mesh pots are allowed, depth restrictions are in place, and all spot shrimp are required to be released immediately.
- Marine Area 12 (Hood Canal) is open for all shrimp species on June 15 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. only.
- Marine Area 13 (South Puget Sound) is open for non-spot shrimp (dock, coonstripe, sidestripe and pink shrimp only) through Oct. 15 with a max depth restriction of 200 feet. During the non-spot season 1/2-inch mesh pots are allowed, depth restrictions are in place, and all spot shrimp are required to be released immediately.
The daily limit is 80 spot shrimp with a total daily weight limit of 10 pounds (whole shrimp) all species combined. If retaining non-spot shrimp, all shrimp heads (spot and non-spot) must be retained in the field until anglers are ashore and finished fishing for the day. Daylight hours only indicates that pots can be set and retrieved from one hour before official sunrise to one hour after official sunset. All traps must be removed from the water during periods when fishing is closed.
More information on recreational shrimp seasons, and a description of the marine areas, is available on WDFW's recreational shrimp fishing section of the website.
A t commercial crab fishery may overlap the recreational shrimp opener in Marine Areas 8-1 and 8-2 on June 13. As a result, treaty commercial boats will be working their crab traps and using certain launch facilities. Shrimpers are asked to exercise patience, plan accordingly, and be respectful of the treaty fishery. Typically, fishing schedules in spring and summer are structured to avoid concurrent fisheries, but they do occasionally occur. Even though shrimp fishing primarily targets deeper water than crab fishing, expect some potential for overlap of gear.
Shrimp fishers are reminded to follow Be Whale Wise regulations and guidelines to help protect endangered Southern Resident killer whales (SRKW). Avoid approaching SRKW, and at minimum stay the required distance away (reference the Be Whale Wise website for more information). For details, visit
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife works to preserve, protect, and perpetuate fish, wildlife and ecosystems while providing sustainable fish and wildlife recreational and commercial opportunities.
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