Columbia River Fish Report for 5-30-2024
Columbia River spring Chinook season extended
Columbia River

by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Action: Extends the mainstem spring Chinook season below Bonneville Dam.
Species affected: Spring Chinook and hatchery steelhead.
Locations, dates, and rules:
(1) Columbia River from Rocky Point/Tongue Point upstream to Beacon Rock (a deadline marker on the Oregon bank (approximately four miles downstream of Bonneville Dam’s Powerhouse One) in a straight line through the western tip of Pierce Island to a deadline marker on the Washington bank at Beacon Rock); including Deep River (Wahkiakum County):
- June 1 through June 15, 2024: Salmon and steelhead, daily limit is six (6), up to two (2) adults may be retained of which no more than one (1) may be an adult Chinook. Release all salmon other than hatchery Chinook. Release wild steelhead. Salmon minimum size is 12 inches.
(2) Columbia River from Beacon Rock to Bonneville Dam:
- June 1 through June 15, 2024: Salmon and steelhead, daily limit is six (6), up to two (2) adults may be retained of which no more than one (1) may be an adult Chinook. Release all salmon other than hatchery Chinook. Release wild steelhead. Salmon minimum size is 12 inches. Fishing from a vessel is prohibited. Bank angling with hand-cast lines only immediately through June 15.
Reason for action: The recreational fishery downstream of Bonneville Dam has sufficient allocation of upriver spring Chinook ESA impacts to allow for an extension. Insufficient allocation remains for the fishery upstream of Bonneville Dam.
Additional information: Shad angling from a vessel is permitted from Beacon Rock upstream to Hamilton boat ramp. All other permanent regulations apply, including year-round closure areas as listed in the sport fishing rules pamphlet. WDFW staff will continue to monitor the fishery in-season and determine if additional fishing opportunity is warranted.
Information contact: Region 5 (Ridgefield Office), 360-696-6211.
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