Another great Bottomfishing trip today

by Predator Sportfishing Staff

Another great Bottomfishing trip today. The last few trips we've had have been great with limits for everyone. Today was 14 anglers catching 112 jumbo black rockfish and 32 Lingcod! Still have room 6/22, 6/27, & 6/29 if you want to go! Call the office at 360-268-0900 and request the PREDATOR! FISH ON! #fishonpredator #charterboatpredator #westportcharterspredator #experiencewestport #fishon #westportcharters #lingcodsfordinner

Black Rockfish

Predator (WA)

Captains Derek Gochanour and Cristian Ibarra
Predator Charters
Westport, WA

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