Lewis River Fish Report for 11-11-2021
Adult coho daily limit increased on the Lewis River
Lewis River
by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Action: Increases the adult coho portion of the salmon daily limit to six hatchery fish.
Species affected: Hatchery coho salmon.
Effective dates and locations:
- Lewis River, from the mouth to Colvin Creek: Nov. 11 through Dec. 31, 2021.
- Lewis River, from Colvin Creek to the overhead powerlines below Merwin Dam: Dec. 16 through Dec. 31, 2021.
Rule: Salmon: Minimum size 12 inches. Daily limit six; up to six adults may be retained, of which no more than two may be Chinook. Release all salmon other than Chinook and hatchery coho.
Reason for action: Coho salmon returns to the Lewis Hatchery are projected to exceed broodstock collection goals for the Lewis Hatchery programs. Modifying coho fisheries will provide additional fishing opportunities while still meeting program and reintroduction goals.
Additional information: All other permanent rules published in the 2021-2022 Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet remain in effect, including the closed waters area shoreward of the cable and corkline at the outlet of Lewis River fish hatchery ladder and the salmon and steelhead closure from Nov.1 through Dec. 15 from Colvin Creek to the overhead powerlines below Merwin Dam.
Information contact: Josua Holowatz, District Fish Biologist, (360) 906-6771.
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