August Weekender Report

Photo Credit: Courtesy of WDFW

by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Summer fishing is in full swing throughout the state this month, providing some of the year's best opportunities to reel in fish from lakes and streams, along the coast, and on the Columbia River.

Some hunters will take to the field for black bear in the first big-game hunt of the season, while others will scout deer and elk hunting areas in preparation for fall seasons. Make sure you're aware of local land closures and restrictions before heading afield.

Wildfire prevention and closures
In response to increased fire risk and nationally depleted firefighting resources, all WDFW-managed lands in Eastern Washington, including water access areas within wildlife areas are currently open for day use only (6 a.m. to 9 p.m.). Water access areas that allow camping and are located outside of wildlife areas remain open.

In addition, campfires, target shooting, and some other activities on department-managed lands in Eastern Washington are not allowed. These restrictions help reduce the risk of additional wildfires, especially with a drought in effect. Check WDFW's closures.    

Photo Credit: Courtesy of WDFW

Columbia River salmon: The always-popular Buoy 10 fishery opens Aug. 1, with anglers able to fish for Chinook and coho salmon through Labor Day. Other portions of the lower river are also open throughout August, but rules vary; be sure you know the regulations for the section of river you're fishing.

Puget Sound crab: Many Puget Sound marine areas remain open for crab on select days throughout August, with the summer season ending on Labor Day. If you're already done for the season, now's the time to think about returning your crab catch record card - summer cards are due by Oct. 1.

Photo Credit: Courtesy of WDFW

Trout: The 2021 Trout Derby continues through Oct. 31! No entrance fee or registration required. Just catch a tagged trout and you win. You can find more information on lakes that still have prizes on our trout derby webpage.

Photo Credit: Courtesy of WDFW

Puget Sound and ocean salmon: Several marine areas offer anglers opportunities to fish for salmon this month. Make sure to check the 2021-22 fishing regulations and emergency regulations before heading out. You can also download the Fish Washington mobile app, which provides up-to-date fishing regulations on your phone. 

Photo Credit: Courtesy of WDFW

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