Saltwater Fish Report for 8-11-2020
State to increase anglers' Chinook daily limits in select central Puget Sound Marine Areas
Puget Sound - Everett, WA (Snohomish County)

by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Additional weekend in East Elliot Bay also announced
OLYMPIA – Anglers will have an opportunity to keep one additional Chinook salmon as part of their daily limit in three Puget Sound Marine Areas starting Friday, Aug. 7. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) fishery managers also project enough remaining fish to support another weekend of salmon fishing in East Elliot Bay.
"Our assessments of these fisheries indicate that we have enough harvest quota remaining to make these adjustments." said Mark Baltzell, WDFW salmon manager. "We're continuing to monitor returns to ensure fisheries are staying within our conservation constraints."
Marine Area 9: Anglers can now keep two hatchery Chinook as part of the daily limit through Aug. 15. Anglers must release chum, wild coho, and wild Chinook salmon. Starting Aug. 16, Chinook fishing will close, but the Area will remain open for hatchery coho.
Marine Area 10: Anglers can now keep two hatchery Chinook as part of the daily limit through Aug. 31. Anglers must release chum and wild Chinook salmon. Starting Sept. 1, Chinook fishing will close but the Area will remain open for coho.
Marine Area 11: Anglers can now keep two hatchery Chinook as part of the daily limit through Sept. 30. Anglers must release wild Chinook salmon. Starting Oct.1, Chinook fishing will close but the Area will remain open for coho.
East Elliot Bay: WDFW has scheduled a second weekend of fishing starting Aug. 14 through 12 noon on Monday, Aug. 17. Daily limit of two salmon. Anglers must release chum salmon.
The decision to open East Elliot Bay to fishing is possible due to continued co-manager cooperation with tribes on the management of Chinook salmon returning to the Green Duwamish river. The Muckleshoot Tribe has conducted test fisheries that are allowing state and tribal fishery managers to make in-season updates based on new information.
The department is asking anglers to continue to opt for fishing destinations close to home and to practice physical distancing by keeping 6 feet apart while fishing. Anglers should also be sure to check ahead of time if their preferred fishing site or launch area is open; many launches and beaches are managed under local, tribal, or federal jurisdiction, and may not be operating normally due to COVID-19-related challenges.
Department fish samplers are also following protocol to help prevent the spread of COVID-19; please work with them to provide adequate physical distancing for the safety of anglers and staff.
Anglers should check the Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet at and WDFW's emergency rules page at before heading out, and download the Fish Washington mobile app for up-to-date regulations at their destination.
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife is the state agency tasked with preserving, protecting, and perpetuating fish, wildlife, and ecosystems, while providing sustainable fishing, hunting, and other recreation opportunities.
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