Predator Fishing Update

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Predator Sportfishing

by Fish Reports Staff

Well we've had a few trips now since we've been back up and running. Fishing has been pretty good. Two trips were combos. First trip the salmon was slow and we all were trying to find the big mass we were fishing. The next day's combo we were on them and it was great. Today's Bottomfishing trip was fantastic with limits of nice black rockfish and limits of Lingcod for all 8 anglers plus crew which doesn't always happen this time of year. A lot of openings during the week for different trips. Follow the website link on this Facebook page to see trips and spots available. Call the office at 360-268-0900 and be sure to request the PREDATOR! FISH ON!

Predator (WA)

Captains Derek Gochanour and Cristian Ibarra
Predator Charters
Westport, WA

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Adult salmon daily limit reduced in the lower Klickitat River; salmon seasons shortened to support broodstock collection
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Adult salmon daily limit reduced in the Wind River
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