Fish Report for 2-21-2018
Winners of Take a Friend Hunting Contest announced

A deer tag that’s good for three months statewide and a Leupold rifle scope valued at $690 are among the prizes 22 lucky hunters have won for taking part in the 2017 Take a Friend Hunting Contest.
The contest was launched in spring of last year to encourage experienced adult hunters to take out other adult friends and family members who had never hunted before or hadn’t gone in several years. (While ODFW has a variety of programs encouraging hunters to mentor youth in the sport, the contest was a way to incentivize mentoring among adult hunters.)
A total of 1,546 people signed up for the contest (773 entries of two hunters, the mentor and the mentee).
Outdoor businesses Cabela’s, Bi-Mart, David Kurt Handmade Knives, DICK’s Sporting Goods, Leupold, Nosler, SITKA Gear, Sportsman’s Warehouse, and Weatherby all donated prizes. Sportsmen conservation groups Ducks Unlimited, Mule Deer Foundation, National Wild Turkey Federation, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and the Wild Sheep Foundation also donated prizes. (More details on prize donations below.)
“We thank all the hunters who signed up to participate, and all the vendors and groups that donated a prize,” said Chris Williard, ODFW Retention and Recruitment Coordinator.
The contest was part of larger ODFW efforts to raise awareness of the benefits of hunting among Oregonians and encourage more participation in the sport. Through their purchase of hunting licenses and equipment, hunters fund wildlife management, research, habitat restoration and other work that benefits both game species and wildlife species that aren’t hunted
ODFW is planning to host a similar contest in 2018. Look for details to be announced and registration to open sometime this spring at
A list of winners of the 2017 Take a Friend Hunting Contest follows. Winners have already been notified and most prizes delivered.
Statewide deer tag (courtesy of ODFW)
Mark Anderson, IoneSiberian Sidekick Cooler (donated by Mule Deer Foundation)
Erik Hasselmen, EugeneEberlestock Me Team Elk Pack (donated by Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation)
Dylan Boyer, Coos BayLeupold Rifle Scope (donated by Leupold)
Jason Saucedo, TualatinTimberline Jacket, Pants and Cap (donated by SITKA Gear)
Brian Alexander, OaklandWild Sheep package (Sitka hat, camo pullover, scope shield, etc.) (donated by Wild Sheep Foundation)
Mark Smith, Oak GroveDICK’S $50 gift cards (four gift cards donated By DICK’s Sporting Goods)
Alfredo Cruz, Monmouth
Gordon Bristlin, Medford
Josh Rosin, Durkee
Kellen Huddleston, PortlandBushnell Binoculars (donated by Bi-Mart)
Jeremy Hruska (Philomath)Alps Grand Slam Turkey Vest (donated by National Wild Turkey Federation)
James Munson, MilwaukieDavid Kurt Handmade Knife (donated by David Kurt Handmade Knives)
Ryan Martin, SpringfieldSportsman’s Warehouse $300 gift card (donated by Sportsman’s Warehouse)
William Ham, BendTangleFree Deadzone Layout Blind (donated by Ducks Unlimited)
Rafael Friedenfels, PortlandNosler $100 gift cards (five gift cards donated by Nosler)
Travis Rogers, Molalla
Levi Tickner, Bend
Marcus Starr, Seaside
Bob Perez, Silverton
Jeffery Birkholz, SalemCabela’s $500 gift card (donated by Cabela’s)
Robert Stahl, PendletonWeatherby Vanguard Rifle (donated by Weatherby)
Jon Blyeth, Keizer
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